Security workplace
Developing and building safety cabinets that guarantee maximum occupational safety and at the same time optimally meet the needs of our customers is a challenge for us that we are happy to face.

Construction / Production
Many years of experience and a lot of know-how set us apart!
Almost like the best chef, we combine the various ingredients into a whole. The most important thing is the choice of ingredients and their correct dosage in order to achieve the desired result.
A good construction is not edible, but it is elegant, neither under nor oversized, easy to use and maintain, and works with high reliability. And quite often it is the details that make the product.
Every chef is proud of his specialties on the menu. So are we. Our list of specialties is unique and that's how we pride ourselves! Because we were allowed to work on extraordinary projects together with our customers, our employees have learned specialist topics which allow them to plan and develop new products in their field.
Become part of our philosophy and drive and create a specialty with us. Because even the best concept can fail if it is not correctly implemented in a constructive manner. On the other hand, a construction can never succeed if the concept is wrongly chosen.